house of spirit

binary from Spirited Away

# 0x00 Abstract

​ Easy house of spirit.

# 0x01 Function analysis

​ Play with this binary. Finding it only provide commenting function. It require you to input your name, age, reason, comment.

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​ Reverse this binary, We can figure out the vulnerabilities

  1. When cnt larger than 99, the length of s is 57. So the name_comment_len will be covered with ascii ‘n’ (hex in 0x6e).

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  1. After we control name_comment_len, we can fill comment with 0x6e length. So we can control the name pointer to where we want. If you make it point to stack and make a fake heap struct, next time you malloc, you will get a heap struct in stack. said “Do not share the solutions of high score challenges in public”. So I will not offer the exp.

# 0x02 Make fake heap

​ The most important of this challenge is to make fake heap struct. In this place, I will give a graphic to show what the heap struct really is. First is the heap struct in use.

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​ Next is the heap struct not in use.

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​ Here I will not explain what the every variable means. If you have problem with it, just google.​

​ But make a fake heap struct is not enough. We need to make two fake heap struct. This is because free function require next chunk size larger than 2*SIZE_SZ (SIZE_SZ = 4 in x86 system). But the size is not size>>3*8. It contains flag bits. So if you set it 9 or 0xa, it is okay.

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